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Partnership Interest Form

Thank you for your interest in partnering with The Backpack Project of TK[your chapter city] We are looking forward to collaborating and helping the homeless community of TK[your city]

Please fill out this preliminary form so that we can begin planning an event! We will reach out to you in a few days to set up a meeting and finalize plans. TK [Check that this is accurate] Please note that typically we have to plan an event 2-4 weeks in advance, so keep that in mind when scheduling.

If you have any specific questions or concerns, email our Director of Donations and Partnerships, TK [insert contact information here]

What type of event are you interested in hosting?
Do you have a space we can use for events?
Do you have a kitchen that we could use for cooking?

Thanks for your interest in partnering with us! We'll get back to you soon.

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